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FCRA Registration

Trusts, societies, and Section 8 companies that take in money from outside the country are required by law to register with the Foreign Contribution Receipts Reporting Act (FCRA). In accordance with the Foreign Contribution Regulation Act of 2010, registration is required for FCRA. The acronym FCRA refers for the Foreign Contribution Regulation Act.

  • It’s important to strike a balance between the willingness of established organisations to accept and benefit from foreign contributions and the use they make of foreign hospitality.
  • Prohibition against accepting or using foreign hospitality or foreign donation for actions contrary to or tangential to national interest.

Federal Contribution Reform Act Registration Certificates are granted by the appropriate government agency, and all registered trusts, social organisations, and NGOs are required to have one before they may accept or spend any foreign contribution funding.

For what reasons should an organisation sign up with the FCRA?

  • Provides aid to groups engaged in social service that serve the public interest.
  • Organizations can more easily legally receive international contributions and government support if they are registered under FCRA.
  • Donations from foreign organisations are permissible for a registered FCRA organisation.

Register with the FCRA
The following organisations are permitted to register with the FCRA:

  • Businesses that fall under Section 8 of the Companies Act.
  • Under the Indian Trust Act registered trust
  • The Indian Society Registration Act-compliant societies
  • The company can’t violate any section of the Fair Credit Reporting Act.
  • No person’s life or safety shall be jeopardised, and no crime shall be committed, as a result of the trust’s acceptance of foreign contributions.
  • In order to qualify as a nonprofit organisation, an organisation must have altruistic goals related to improving people’s lives in areas like health, education, economic growth, and the appreciation of the finer things in life like art, culture, religion, sports, etc.

If you require this service, you are requested to contact our compliance manager 08943620159 or by email at

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